Upgrading MediaGoblin


ALWAYS take a backup before upgrading, especially before running migrations. That way if something goes wrong, we can fix things.

Although not strictly necessary, we recommend you shut down your current MediaGoblin/Celery processes before upgrading.

If you have any problems, please drop in to the #mediagoblin IRC chat, report an issue on our issue tracker or drop us an email to mediagoblin-devel@gnu.org.


This page describes upgrading of our traditional virtualenv installation method. If Docker is your thing, please see “MediaGoblin in Docker”.


  1. Switch to the user you used to deploy MediaGoblin, which may be “mediagoblin” if you followed the deployment guide:

    sudo su mediagoblin --shell=/bin/bash
  2. Update to the latest release. In your mediagoblin directory, run:

    git fetch && git checkout --quiet v0.14.0 && git submodule update

    If you are checking out a branch, rather than a specific version tag, please run git pull before git submodule update.

  3. Note down any plugins you have installed by reviewing your mediagoblin.ini configuration. These will be removed by the following steps and must be re-installed.

  4. Remove your existing installation:

    make distclean
  5. Recreate the virtual environment and install MediaGoblin:

    ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make

    You may need to update file permissions as mentioned in “Deploying MediaGoblin”.

  6. Re-install any “Plugins” you had previously installed. Skipping these may result in errors updating the database.

  7. Update the database:

    ./bin/gmg dbupdate
  8. Restart the Paster and Celery processes. If you followed “Deploying MediaGoblin”, this may be something like:

    sudo systemctl restart mediagoblin-paster.service
    sudo systemctl start mediagoblin-celeryd.service

    To see the logs for troubleshooting, use something like:

    sudo journalctl --unit mediagoblin-paster.service --follow
    sudo journalctl --unit mediagoblin-celeryd.service --follow
  9. View your site and hover your cursor over the “MediaGoblin” link in the footer to confirm the version number you’re running.

Updating your system Python

Upgrading your operating system or installing a new major version of Python may break MediaGoblin. This typically occurs because Python virtual environment is referring to a copy of Python that no longer exists. In this situation use the same process for “Upgrade” above.