Upgrading MediaGoblin


ALWAYS take a backup before upgrading, especially before running migrations. That way if something goes wrong, we can fix things.

Although not strictly necessary, we recommend you shut down your current MediaGoblin/Celery processes before upgrading.

Upgrade (already on Python 3)

  1. Update to the latest release. In your mediagoblin directory, run:

    git fetch && git checkout -q v0.11.0 && git submodule update
  2. Remove your existing installation:

    make distclean
  3. Install MediaGoblin (changed for 0.11.0, see notes section above):

    ./bootstrap.sh && VIRTUALENV_FLAGS='--system-site-packages' ./configure && make

    (As of 0.11.0, the upgrade instructions have been updated to use --system-site-package option for consistency with the deployment instructions. If this approach causes any problems with for you, re-run make distclean and then ./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make without --system-site-packages.)

  4. Update the database:

    ./bin/gmg dbupdate
  5. Restart the Paster and Celery processes. If you followed “Deploying MediaGoblin”, this may be something like:

    sudo systemctl restart mediagoblin-paster.service
    sudo systemctl start mediagoblin-celeryd.service

    To see the logs for troubleshooting, use something like:

    sudo journalctl -u mediagoblin-paster.service -f
    sudo journalctl -u mediagoblin-celeryd.service -f
  6. View your site and hover your cursor over the “MediaGoblin” link in the footer to confirm the version number you’re running.

Upgrading to Python 3

Refer to the “Dependences” and “Configure PostgreSQL” sections of “Deploying MediaGoblin” to install the necessary Python 3 dependencies. Then follow the instructions for “Upgrade (already on Python 3)” above.

Updating your system Python

Upgrading your operating system or installing a new version of Python may break MediaGoblin. This typically occurs because Python virtual environment is referring to a copy of Python that no longer exists. In this situation use the same process for “Upgrade (already on Python 3)” above.